Thursday, November 10, 2016

Predictive Analytics Software for CJR Readmissions

Today physicians are well skilled and make efforts to stay current with the latest studies and practices. However, it is not expected for them to memorize each individual patient’s records. But in today’s technology era, this can be made possible with clinical predictive analytics. Healthcare providers have the predictions at their fingertips, which help them make appropriate decisions and deliver better care.

The comprehensive care for joint replacement model helps support effective and efficient care for patients who undergo the most frequent inpatient surgeries such as hip and knee replacements. This model examines bundled payments and aspect measurements for an episode of care related with hip and knee replacements to motivate hospitals, physicians, and post-acute care providers to work in sync to improve the quality of treatment.

A hospital readmission is an episode when a patient who been discharged from the hospital gets admitted again in a specified time interval (e.g. 30-day readmissions). CJR readmissions refer to the patients who have undergone the CJR surgeries and get readmitted to the hospital within a specific time interval.

Jvion’s artificial intelligence predictive analytic solution uses deep machine learning and clinical data to deliver the most advanced and accurate CJR readmissions predictions. RevEgis helps providers improve care quality, drive down cost, and meet the demands of value-based models of care.

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